Wednesday, April 30

General update

My word has it been a long time!!! I wish I could say it’s due to the lack of internet but just been busy and lazy which is shocking need to keep you guys entertained! 
Been busy with guests over the past few weeks and interacting with people from Germany and England, lovely people and so interesting to speak to. 
I have seated a few meals in the 5 star lodge hosting guest and I must say that the food is exquisite! So many flavours and such a variation to the daily menu.

On one of my drives to feed my serval I got caught up with the heard of elephant that roam this farm, there are 11 in that heard with 2 large male bulls that roam with the heard but not in close proximity. The one, Bryce, has got one of his tusks missing but otherwise he is a gorgeous big male. I took a video to show how they will take the easiest path through an area which at Hopewell is our main road which is used every day!

As shown above you can see how the heard will protect their young and keep them safe in the middle and the two larger elephants with lead and follow.

I was driving and saw this small little elephant and before I could get my camera out to video it the heard had appeared behind it! They have this ability to appear and disappear in a matter of seconds! It’s an amazing talent but also so frustrating.

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