Wednesday, March 26

Hunting for servals

Our freezers are slowly running down to their last bags of meat that we cut off from the eland that I shot last month. We need to go shoot this week so we can always give the little guys their food but today is just so windy and the game usually goes into the dense bush which we have here on the reserve which makes that a little bit problematic. I am waiting for the manager to be free so that we can go use his rifle to take down hopefully two male water bucks, they are not from the Eastern Cape areas yet they seem to thrive here for some reason. I believe because they have go glands under their skin which excrete an awful smell so the ticks don’t go for them rather other animals. With predation on them they get eaten but are not first choice on the hunters menu. Here are some shots that I have taken at Hopewell of some of the water buck. il keep you updated on the whole process.appreciate the views and interest.
reasonable male close to the water hole

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