Friday, May 23

Buffalo seen!!

Here is a wonderful photo of our herd of buffalo which I ran into the other morning. It was for a brief time that they were standing there, once the photo was taken I looked down at my camera to see if it was a good quality picture and when I looked up about 5 seconds later , the herd had vanished into the thick bush. It was a very good find as in the bottom right hand corner of the photo there is the buffalo calf which was born of the 24/12/2013. Young calves are rarely seen as the mothers will leave them in the bush for a month and the will nurse it occasionally. As seen above, the calf is being protected by the herd and shall be for another 2 years.
This calf will follow its mom for around a year or so then will become more independent and if the female has another offspring it shall loose the maternal bond with the first young and focus on the newly born calf.

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