Wednesday, May 21

Serval bonding!!!!!!!

Good evening!!! Incredible week had so far as by the serval boma I was feeding and they were fairly shy, I was curious to find out why and then I heard the hissing of a cat behind me! I jumped and turned around so fast and it was the male we had released over a month ago coming back. It was amazing to see him there and doing so healthy, I crouched down and took a bit of time with almost getting my hand clawed off a few times, eventually made first contact with the big guy.

He seemed a bit uneasy at first so a stroked him once and then moved my hand. He looked towards me so I then moved my hand towards his face and next thing I know is he is licking my fingers! I obviously had to bring out my phone to take a few photos which made him a bit alarmed and became a bit angry so I backed away from him. 

 Going back a second time I went straight for his neck and gave him a good scratch! Was amazing to see this was happening as I fed him for about a month and it built a bond which is only going to get better
this is a video of stroking him for the third time so it was a casual gentle bonding time.

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