Sunday, May 11

Remebering my camera!!!

So it has been yet another wonderful weekend here on the reserve where I was left alone to take the reins and manage this place. The day started with the bush cutting to keep the bush at bay. Checking the water holes and the serval, they are still doing well and he one is rather feisty! I went into the boma to feed them and took my camera with and got a few photos of him but there is one which I was rather impressed with.

after that was driving around the reserve checking up on the guys cutting and going deep into the farm on the old roads which is a lot of fun and a bit risky as the bush might have completely grown back in some places so it’s a bit daunting! Otherwise is it was a relaxed weekend nothing too serious happened which is a relief.
Thought this was a lovely photo #mothersday

Here are just a few photos of the land scape that I took on the south west side of the farm.

my gorgeous little serval!

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